AMEE approves an oral presentation on the results of Practicum Script among 2,500 medical students for its annual conference.
Birmingham Children's Hospital, named in Newsweek's World's Best Hospitals 2020 list as the top 1 paediatric centre in the UK, will contribuite with 6 spespecialists.
Experts' ability to reason accurately is content specific. Knowledge about the cognitive psychology inherent in the process may improve decision-making.
A group of British medical educators agrees on practical recommendations to improve clinical reasoning at undergraduate level.
The results of the multicentre application of Practicum Script in undergraduate medical education will be exposed at a virtual event organised in February.
It provides indicators of the performance of the students in the clinical cases of Practicum Script to adjust the proposal to the detected needs.
There is a strong need for approaches tailored towards the development of clinical reasoning skills, and Practicum Script can contribute meaningfully to this end point.
Drs Cees van der Vleuten and Eduardo Hornos have agreed to develop effective approaches tailored towards the improvement of clinical reasoning skills.
More than a dozen universities have used Practicum Script cases to assess the clinical reasoning skills in an examination for final year students.
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