Dr. Ricardo Speciale is an Argentine cardiologist practicing in the province of Santiago del Estero. He is a physician in the intermediate treatment unit of the Hospital Independencia, a permanent physician at the Centro Cardiovascular Alberdi, and an active member of the Argentine Federation of Cardiology. The specialist believes that Practicum Script "allows physicians to establish a presumptive diagnosis, take into account differential diagnoses, and confirm a diagnosis with certainty."
See moreDr. Evelyn Vanina Re is a graduate from the Universidad de Rosario and a clinical cardiologist registered for the past two years in the province of Santa Fe, Argentina. She practices her specialty in both the public and private sectors. She is an on-call physician at the coronary unit of the Sanatorio Británico and Hospital Provincial de Santa Fe and is part of the medical team, also as an on-call physician, of the Centro Gallego de Buenos Aires. "Uncertainty, in her opinion, is what leads a professional to train more rigorously.”
See moreDr. Esteban Rengel has been a specialist in Cardiology for 11 years and sees patients at Magna Grupo Médico in Tucumán, where hemodynamics and non-invasive studies are available. In addition, he is an on-call physician at a coronary unit in an interior city in his province, offering therapy with thrombolysis and temporary pacemaker. Halfway between private and public care, he considers Practicum Script to "be a very valuable update tool for physicians dedicated to health care."
See moreThe gastroenterologist Jorge Sandoval is a resident in Costa Rica whose records in the Practicum Script simulator surpass a coincidence of 70% in hypotheses and 80% in scenarios. In his opinion, "certainty is not always present” in healthcare practice, “so the presentation of real clinical cases is quite useful." In fact, he believes that "uncertainty is constantly present in patient management and the criteria defining a therapeutic approach is based on experience and reasoned clinical suspicion."
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