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These are really lifelike cases, and they are presented to students just like real cases in daily practice

Pediatrics Chief at Hospital Sant Joan de Déu - President of the Spanish Society of Hospital Pediatrics

Dr. Juan José García García is currently the chief of pediatrics at Hospital Sant Joan de Déu in Barcelona, one of the most important highly specialized children's hospitals in Europe. He is also the president of the Spanish Society of Hospital Pediatrics and an Associate Professor at the University of Barcelona.

Residents in pediatrics at Hospital Sant Joan de Déu are using the Practicum Script clinical reasoning training program, thanks to an academic agreement with the Practicum Foundation: What do you think this tool can contribute to their training?

One of the most useful aspects of the program is that it can show them (the residents) their strong points and especially their weak points. When they try to resolve a case and realize that there are a series of concepts that are not crystal clear to them, it can guide their learning because they can focus on the areas that they need to improve. Furthermore, since the cases are so true to life, I think that the program can help them learn to make better decisions. 


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Your role as an auditor of Practicum Script’s cases gave you the chance to try out our simulator beforehand. In your opinion, what are the most important differences between Practicum Script and other training tools?

I think the most important difference is how closely the cases resemble true life—the cases are presented to students in the same way as in daily practice. In fact, first a clinical history is introduced, and then the student must make a decision. Depending on how the student has responded, diverse possibilities can be presented progressively. I think this is a clear differential aspect.

The simulator incorporates up to 300 different clinical situations based on real clinical histories without clear-cut solutions. To what extent do you think residents could benefit from dealing with cases in which there can be more than one valid solution for the same patient?

The truth is, it is a bit shocking for them at first. They are used to multiple choice type situations, where there is only one correct answer. In Practicum Script, however, when these cases are presented, they find themselves in situations that are much closer to real life, where absolute truths often just don’t exist, where there are different approaches to the same patient, and all of them can be valid. So I really think that this has a very positive effect on the student’s learning.

"It’s something much closer to real life, where absolute truths often just don’t exist "

Another thing that makes the Practicum Script program different is that it combines scientific evidence with expert opinion. What do you think about the feedback that participants receive?

I believe it is fundamental. Sadly, the evidence we have in medicine is limited—although it increases throughout the years, we are often swimming in murky waters where there is no absolute truth. For this reason, expert opinion is fundamental—first of all, because the experts know all the scientific evidence about a particular topic, and they also know when there is not enough solid evidence to support one viewpoint or another. That’s why they are able to give us a valid opinion about how to proceed based on their prior knowledge and experience. So this is an absolutely crucial point.

Apart from residents, would you recommend Practicum Script courses to other colleagues?

I think all physicians can benefit from these courses, no matter how long they have been practicing.  The courses will help some physicians in a particular way and others in other ways.  I think that the course can be very useful for more experienced physicians too, because daily practice does not end up making you an expert in everything, no matter how many years you have been in the field.


More information: Academic agreement between the Practicum Foundation and Hospital Sant Joan de Déu


For me, the program is very interesting, since it allows me to sharpen my interrogation and direct it more towards a specific pathology and to have more knowledge of laboratory and cabinet exams. I think it is very important that we keep our medical sagacity throughout our practice and that in the few minutes it takes to answer any of the cases that Practicum Script presents, you acquire more knowledge.

Dr. Miguel Olivares Alcocer

Pediatrician in Guanajuato (Mexico)

I would like to express my gratitude to the Practicum Institute of Health Sciences Research for the opportunity given to Latin American physicians  to access and take different courses of our specialty for the benefit of our dear patients, in my case in Mexico. It has encouraged me to improve myself and keep abreast of the advances in Pediatrics and put into practice the knowledge acquired in the hospital where I work. Thanks friends and congratulations to this valuable team of Practicum Script Education.

Dr. Heriberto Fuentes García

Pediatrician in Sonora (Mexico)

I am grateful for this study tool that, through Nestlé and with this method, allows us to review different issues with cases that confront us in decision-making and serve us in the daily consultation.

Dr. Josué Refugio de León Padilla

Pediatrician in Jalisco (Mexico)

It is an excellent educational support platform for the pediatrician, offers very specific clinical challenges with alternatives for diagnosis and differential diagnoses, with the support of experts, a bibliography and a forum to share opinions. It's easy to navigate and it's fun, a tool that's worth using and making the most of it.

Dr. Guillermo Yanowsky-Reyes

Surgery Pediatrician in Guadalajara (Mexico)

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